Christianity in the Middle East
Christianity in the Middle East
2021. Т. 5. № 4

History of Christianity in the Middle East

Alexandr G. Grouchevoy
Source study and historical analysis of documents of 1907–1917 related to the activities of A.A. Dmitrievsky as Secretary of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society ........5


Pavel A. Oskolkov
The social status of the fetus in the womb according to the book of Exodus and the legal collections of the Ancient Near East ..........272

Eldar O. Kostuev

Apocalyptic motifs in the literary monuments of the era of the reign of Tsar Ivan Grozny ..........301

Evgenii N. Anisimov

The palaeographic features of the Gospel of Venerable Nikon of Radonezh: a comparative analysis ..........320